Rapeseed oil

The enterprise produces unrefined rapeseed oil of the first and second grades in accordance with DSTU 8175:2015 “Rapeseed oil. Technical conditions”. Rapeseed oil is extracted from rapeseed.

Rape is one of the most valuable and promising crops in the global production of vegetable oils. This is a crop with high oil content (up to 45%). Rapeseed has an important role as a source of edible vegetable oil, as well as as a raw material for obtaining technical products, namely, the production of methyl and ethyl acids of rapeseed oil (or BIODIESEL).

It is traditionally used as an edible oil, which is due to the predominance of mono-unsaturated oleic acids in its composition and a small content of di- and tri-unsaturated, which reduces oxidation and increases the shelf life. At the same time, the processing of rapeseed oil is associated with difficulties, given the need to remove phospholipids, free fatty acids, pigments of the chlorophyll group, and sulfur compounds from it.

Rapeseed oil contains vitamin E and many unsaturated fatty acids: polyunsaturated acids (linoleic acid – Omega 6, linolenic acid – Omega 3) and monounsaturated acids (oleic acid – Omega 9).

Edible rapeseed oil has a pleasant nutty aroma and characteristic taste, and its color can be from yellow to brown. It is intended for the preparation of various dishes (salads, confectionery, canning, frying) and the production of food products.

For food purposes, rapeseed with a content of erucic acid no more than 2% and glucosinolates – 3% is used. According to the industry standard of Ukraine DSTU 46.072 for rapeseed oil, unrefined oil of the highest and first grades, as well as refined, non-deodorized and refined deodorized with an erucic acid content of no more than 5% and sulfur of no more than 6 mg/kg can be used for food purposes.

Industrial rapeseed oil is used in the production of engine lubricants.


 In 100 g of unrefined rapeseed oilcontains on average:

  • proteins – 0 g;
  • fats – 92 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g.

Energy value (calorie) per 100 g of product: 3,404 kJ (828 kcal )

Term and conditions of storage

With berigata at a temperature from plus 10°C to plus 25°C and relative air humidity no more than 85%. The warranty period of validity is 4 months.

Does not contain GMOs. May contain traces of allergen.

The enterprise can supply 1st and 2nd grade oil. It is shipped by specialized road transport of the enterprise or the customer in bulk. Shipment in flexi-tanks or railway tanks is possible.

The information about the product provided to the consumer is indicated on the corresponding label, which may be provided upon their request along with the invoices when delivering the product. The label is the marking of the respective batch in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation of Ukraine and the EU for food products and feed.

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